In this episode, Stefan and I look back at 2021 to identify the tools and insights that helped us most in the last year. We limited our review to five each, so we missed many things we could have included. But we think this list is a fun and informative tool anyone can use to have a better 2022.
As always, we’re building want to build a community around Mentally Unscripted. So, share this episode with your friends and interact with us at
And remember, the conclusion you reach is less important than the process you follow to get there.
How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers, by Sönke Ahrens
Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation, by Steven Johnson
The Myth of the Rule of Law, by John Hasnas
The Anarchist Handbook, by Michael Malice
Anarchy and the Law: The Political Economy of Choice, by Edward P. Stringham
Vokes v. Arthur Murray, Inc. (Scott incorrectly referred to this case as the Fred Astair case in the podcast)
When Safety Proves Dangerous (Farnam Street)
Mentally Unscripted Ep48 – Is Democracy the Opiate of the Masses? with Myron Weber
Mentally Unscripted Ep33 - Hubris and Misaligned Incentives: Mental Models in a Time of War
Mental Models
Learn how to learn
Risk assessment
Base rates
Asking the best questions
Paradox of safety
Start with the end in mind
Institutional capture
Crisis of competence
Top Takeaways
Obsidian is a tool that can take your note-taking to the next level.
Substack is a good tool for sharing content such as articles, podcasts, and newsletters. The Mentally Unscripted Substack page is the hub of the Mentally Unscripted empire.
The rule of law is the principle that we are a nation of laws, not of men so that all people are subject to the same laws. But this principle is a myth.
Reactance is the reaction to rules, regulations, etc. that threaten or eliminate specific freedoms.
Base rates are an important technique to help us assess risk.
How you go about learning something is an important aspect of learning.
We are witnessing a crisis of competence across institutions where they are unable to execute their most basic functions.
Comments or Questions on this episode? Join the conversation at the Mentally Unscripted Substack.
Engage with Stefan on the Twitter thought control machine.
Scott has jumped on the Gettr bandwagon and is also on DeSo and Instagram. He rants and raves on his blog, Strength and Reason.
We're also on Odysee. Rumble is coming as soon as Scott gets off his butt and uploads the podcasts.
Here’s how to have stimulating conversations on blistering hot topics without fighting.
It's easier than you think.
Download How to Never Argue Again (Unless you Want To) at Mentally Unscripted and discover the secret "Go Meta" approach that makes any topic fair game.
It's FREE (for now) and worth hundreds in therapy.
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